Overview of the leading manufacturer of HP printer parts, such as printer fusers and fuser kits
Updated: Apr 5, 2019
Metrofuser is the leading manufacturer of HP printer parts, such as printer fusers, fuser kits and more.
Metrofuser is the leading global innovator, manufacturer of printer parts, equipment, diagnostics, repair information and systems solutions for professional user.
Our Company has received over 20+ Industry and Leadership Awards including 5 time inc magazine honoree. Metrofuser serves over 2000 customers from around the world. Since 2003 Metrofuser has rebuilt close to a million parts and printers
Our comprehensive knowledge comes from our leadership in our five primary, interconnected business sectors.
1. Remanufacturing
We were founded on remanufacturing and innovating printer parts, allowing for a unique, granular-level look into each individual part. We believe remanufacturing is not only an eco-friendly alternative, but it is also a chance for the part to evolve from its original state.
At Metrofuser each repair generation is an evolution to greater quality - a continuous improvement from the original factory model. From implementing engineering upgrades and component-level redesigns all the way through to process engineering efficiencies, the evolution and innovation never stops at Metrofuser.
HP LaserJet Printer Parts Include;
Maintenance Kits
Power Supplies and Logic Boards
Paper Trays and Input/Output Units
New OEM & Compatible Parts
JetDirect Cards
Transfer Belts
Toner Cartridges
Metrofuser maintains a diverse printer boneyard which gives customers access to one of the largest depth and breadth inventories in the industry.
2. HP Printer Repair Training
We have become the industry leader in training technicians from around the world on how to repair some of the most popular printer models. Our ServicePLUS printer repair training is a compilation of the collaborative disciplines of parts theory, service management and general printer repair. Classes provide students with hands-on, real-life scenarios which will challenge them to repair everything possible for each technology element. Students break it, fx it, install it, troubleshoot it, upgrade it and deploy it.
3. Certified Remanufactured Printers
Metrofuser offers a full line of remaufactured laser printers. The devices are rebuilt from the ground up with color corrected resurfacing to make them appear and function like new. equipped with scalable warranties (6-18-24 months) that offer customers full control over cost points, expenses and profitability.
4. Help desk and Tech support
Our HelpDesk Solution is the next step in the organic evolution of an industry innovator and a partner in MPS. Metrofuser’s first response team is comprised of industry specialists, grizzled veterans with a minimum of 10 years of experience troubleshooting and repairing these devices in the feld. Metrofuser supports the biggest service organizations in the printer repair industry and the team’s goal is to assist in diagnosing problems, analyze recurring failure and ultimately eliminate wrongly ordered parts and unnecessary service calls.
5. Industry Credentialing
Metrofuser rewards its customer with powerful business development tools. Evidence-based certifications and awards are essential for supercharging employee morale, salespeople's motivation and customer brand awareness. We developed a program that will communicate loudly the strengths and abilities of our partners. Achievements are shareable and marketable on multi platforms.(A) Our goal is to give our customers the best chance to succeed in an increasingly competitive and shrinking market.
With over 15+ years of experience, Metrofuser is the company behind leading organizations.
Innovative one of a kind tools, parts and equipment that help get the job done faster, open up new markets and give you an edge over the competition;
Custom blended aerosol paints that turn yellowing printer covers like new.
Exclusive printer parts not available from the OEM or aftermarket
Our Flash-It technology saves service companies thousands in extending the use transfer belt consumables
Metrofuser’s ZeroSet Technology is integrated into fuser kits and transfer belts the duplicate the functionality used in the oem.
Other Helpful Resources
Metrofuser is recognized the leading independent parts distributors. We are not subject to the influences and authority of OEMs or private equity groups. We serve as a firewall between dealers and potential competitors. As the industry consolidates, vendors with OEM authorizations not aligned with their dealers can become a liability. Our independence also means we can shop the world for OEM parts taking advantage of currency arbitrage and discounts in various world markets.
1-2 Day Ground Delivery to 80% of the Largest Metropolitan Areas
We have established a network of strategically located distribution centers nationwide that provides 1-2 day ground to 80% of the largest US metropolitan areas. Fully Integrated shipping system and Dimensional shipping scale maximizes efficiency and reduces shipping costs.
What Goes Into Our Fusers is What Sets Us Apart
Improving the Original Printer Part Designs and Production Process
Metrofuser leads with innovation. We identify the weak points in Original Equipment and invest in solutions to eliminate these failures. Our engineers develop new technologies and customize equipment to automate our manufacturing process. Over the years, these developments have improved the parts we make over and above the level of quality of the OEM part they replace.
Fusers are as only as good as the platform they’re built upon so many inferior new build cores are rejected due to their origin. Final selection begins with cores with true frame alignment. Gear posts and weld tolerances are inspected. OEM fasteners and fixture points are married throughout the rebuild process. Only components that successfully pass the dimensional and functional tests can go into a metrofuser exchange product.
Part repair procedures are clearly defined and documented. This ensures consistently high quality through the entire process.
Our HP fuser film grease is a Synthesized fluorinated oil that is anti corrosive, nonflammable, and long-lasting. Our formulation is thickened with a high efficiency agent that gives it a high melting point and stability in a wide variety of operating conditions.
Our “by hand” placement process for grease allows us to hit all the hot spots on the fixing film cradle. While the “by hand” application of grease is more expensive it has proven to be the far superior method by reducing paper jams by 5% compared to the straight beaded process used by the Automated Dispensing Robots.
Today's business laser printers commonly operate between 40 to 60 pages per minute with duty cycles up to 250,000 pages per month. Between the heat, friction and pressure these devices and their fusers are pushed to their limits. Too many heating elements are failing prematurely so Metrofuser worked with a specialty manufacturer in the development of Thermo/Seal adhesive for the heating element. Thermo/Seal has reduced the occurrence of 50 Service errors, the most common failure found on fusers. Reducing these errors has meant fewer warranties and service company call backs.
Advanced Technology Used in Fuser Film Selection
There are over 20 inherent properties of fuser film sleeves. Many are relevant to specific gravity, temperature index, melting point, tensile strength, dielectric strength, film thickness, coating thickness, and others that directly affect performance. Metrofuser worked with the Rutgers School of Engineering to benchmark OEM films and isolated the correct parameters prior to selecting its manufacturer.
When one of the top selling laser printer models started failing in mass months after its release due to fuser film tearing, Metrofuser’s engineers went to work. The company developed a process to replace the polymer sleeve used by the OEM with a Steel Sleeve. The result virtually eliminated film failures saving companies thousands.
Every part and printer we offer is tested before it goes out the door. Metrofuser conducts comprehensive multi page image quality tests inspecting for density and print defects, page yield, noises, toner adhesion and even odors.
Metrofuser's HP color laserjet fusers offer brilliant color output and guaranteed against image defects. Reliable parts solutions are in high demand with the advent of more feature-rich printers in the marketplace. Our customers require the most precise imaging technology in this demanding market. Our fusers are engineered and tested to work flawlessly with OEM and compatible toners.
Standardized print testing is conducted with ColorLok® paper Technology.
Testing is so important to us we developed software that allows our engineers to emulate the real world printing performed by end-users. PrintSim™ torture tests fusers, rollers, paper handling devices and logic boards with the on / off process that occurs when a printer is used in an office atmosphere. This all adds up to more accurate testing which improves quality.
Information on the rebuild process and parts used is coded on the product and scanned at order fulfillment. This data makes it possible to make improvements.
Today we also remanufacture products outside of the Metrofuser family which is an engine for growth and good news for Metrofuser, its customers and the world we all share.
HP, Lexmark, Canon , Xerox and other names and logos are registered trademarks of their respective owners. All model designations are for compatibility purposes only.