Question My customer has this error consistently and when it happens the printer reboots. They lose the print job and must start over as a result. So far, I have followed your document on how to proceed with 49 errors. I replaced the eMMC card and updated the firmware. The problem remains and when I input the error code at the HP support site, they include the comment:
“Native video pipeline error in managed RC” I have never seen this error and if you have can you explain it to me and give me the definition what RC means.
I know that the video is on the formatter but RC? Is this a circuit? I have a formatter on order and will replace that next week, but I wanted to obtain a better understanding of where the process if failing in the printer. Please advise,
HP provides no information as what exactly “Native video pipeline error in managed RC” means.
If you’ve replaced the SSD/eMMC and updated the firmware and that hasn’t resolved the issue, replacing the formatter should take care of it.